
Follow your own path
no matter what people say.

《Try》- Song list

Coldplay - The Scientist

The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out

John Legend - Ordinary people

OK Go - Upside down & Inside out

Mindy Gledhill - Anchor

乃木坂46 -《何度目の青空か》(goosehouse cover)

いきものがかり - 《茜色の約束》

SEKAI NO OWARI -《眠り姫》(goosehouse cover)

山本彩、橫山由依、山田菜菜 - 《太宰治を読んだか》

SKE48 - Darkness

Adam Levine - Lost Stars

Passenger - Let her go

London Pigg - Can’t let go

山崎まさよし - One more time, One more chance

A Fine Frenzy - Almost Lover

The Perisher - Nothing like you and I

Asher Book - Try

John Legend - All of me

It’s a small world (Disney)

The Beatles - When I am sixty-four

Joe Cocker - Space Captain

The Paper Kites - Bloom

陳奕迅 - 《不要說話》

いきものがかり - 《笑顏》


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